
Ubuntu apt install aclocal
Ubuntu apt install aclocal

ubuntu apt install aclocal

Git clone git:///gfreenect/gfreenect.gitĮrror while loading shared libraries: libfreenect.so.0. package-management software-installation autotools. PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig Uncomment all Ubuntu repositories in sources.list. Lm cch no ti c th ci t aclocal t gi autotools trong Ubuntu 11.04 Ti c gng tm thy n v ch: sudo apt-get install aclocal sudo apt-get install autotools-dev apt-cache search aclocal dpkg -S aclocal. Sudo aptitude install gobject-introspection gtk-doc-tools Git clone git:///OpenKinect/libfreenect.git For example, in Ubuntu 18.04, if you use the apt command to check the available version of Wireshark, it is 2.6. Sudo apt-get install git-core cmake pkg-config build-essential libxmu-dev libxi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo apt install wireshark One slight problem in this approach is that you might not always get the latest version of Wireshark. First, you need to make sure you have the following dependencies installed: sudo apt-get install flex. Visit the Graphviz site to learn more about the open-source graphing program. This is a quick and dirty tutorial to get Graphviz loaded on your Linux Ubuntu 18.04LTS. # make sure the glut-dev is there, I forget the package name Installing GraphViz on Linux Ubuntu 18.04LTS. configure sudo make sudo make install and I followed these steps but had an. For example: 1) Centos 7.4 (minimal): yum groupinstall Development Tools yum install gtk2-devel.x8664.

#Ubuntu apt install aclocal update

Openni and Microsoft SDK trackers are not open source, so this might provide developers a good platform to tweak the algorithm and parameters according to their application :) cd miraclecast-master sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools autoconf libtool libudev-dev libsystemd-dev glib-2.0 libperl-dev libgtk2.0-dev libreadline-dev libtoolize aclocal autoconf sudo. Depending on your Linux distribution and type of installation additional packages may be needed. Skeltrack is an Open Source skeletal tracker and tracks up to 7 joints currently: head shoulders, elbows, and hands.

Ubuntu apt install aclocal